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Verify the approval

Make sure you have the university and its accreditation before students pursue your degree program through a foreign university.

It is important for students to explore the above when pursuing any curriculum with us or elsewhere. This can be confirmed by proper email from the university concerned, especially before pursuing a degree.

Opportunity of Qualification

Edext International is a new framework aimed at improving quality of higher education and training through recognizing and accrediting qualifications offered by different institutions. It helps to interpret qualifications and judge the relative value of a qualification. This enables the learners to make informed decisions about the qualifications they intend to acquire.

Edext International helps in the comparison of different qualifications and provides a comprehensive, nationally consistent, flexible framework for all qualifications in post-secondary education and training. It combines higher education and training into a single framework and brings together the diverse higher education and training systems into a single.

Steps of the Studies

Edext International identifies the broad levels of competencies that are expected from the holders of different qualifications. The minimum entry requirements for each qualification and the possible routes of progression are also identified in the Edext International. Edext International facilitates the transfer of credits and helps in the combination of qualifications as well as progression within the higher education system. It combines school, vocational and higher education sectors in International level.

Edext International recognizes the outcomes achieved after formal secondary education. It integrates vocational education and higher education sectors by providing basis for recognizing prior learning and credit transfer.

Benefits of the Qualification

Edext International helps in vertical mobility in higher education and encourages lifelong learning by identifying access to different qualifications. It clearly defines the avenues available for obtaining higher qualifications. It also encourages high quality vocational education and training by recognizing workplace experience which helps in national economic development. It helps in opening up learning and working opportunities irrespective of gender and age. As such, the Edext International facilitates admission to and progression within the higher education system in globally.

IVQ Level /EDQL Equal Qualification Below Chart Explanation
Level 1 *** Work under guidance
Level 2 *** Work under direct supervision
Level 3 G.C.E (O/L) Work independently and quality mentioned
Level 4 G.C.E (A/L) or Foundation Program Work independently
Level 5 Diploma Program Self-working and give guidance
Level 6 Higher Diploma or Advance Diploma Managerial
Level 7 Bachelor Degree Planning and implementation

Edext International recognizes the volume of learning of students and identifies the learning outcomes that are to be achieved by the qualification holders. Edext International comprises of eleven levels and the descriptors of each of these levels are stated in a comprehensive manner. Since the volume of learning is considered in the Edext International, the number of credits that should be earned by students for each qualification is also given.

We are operating in a defined, organized manner. On that basis our awards are accepted in the internationally. It is the duty of the partners to protect its dignity and uniqueness. We have a high status in the field of education and we have strict rules and regulations to maintain it.

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